Monday, February 21, 2011

Crash and burn...

Despite my best attempts I sometimes do a very poor job in regulating my energy expenditures. Case in point, I burned out on the Tengu failure and spent the last week or so hemorrhaging energy and drive. Apparently three-day weekends have remarkably restorative powers, especially when the first day is spent curled up on the couch with one's husband (who's busy playing ridiculous video games such as DeathSpank, of course), and the second is spent devouring a sizeable portion of James Gurney's Color and Light (and randomly deciding to tape and prime a wall in the house for repainting).

In any case, back to the drawing board. That mile isn't going to walk itself..

30 second gestures

60 second gestures

120 second gestures. When increasing the interval no longer results in better drawings
I know it's time to switch to something else.

.... like a gryphon!

Applying some lessons learned from Mr. Gurney. From top to bottom, left to right:
3/4 lighting, edge lighting, reflected light, frontal, and from below.

I need to work out a sensible division of time and effort. Simultaneously trying to master Flash, Painter, Maya, the principles of color, gestural studies, t-shirt designs and portfolio pieces really just results in a lot of thrashing and flailing and not much progress.

Oh! And to the kind souls who've left comments, and to those who just stop by on their wanderings-- my thanks. :)

Distance Traveled: 172.22 / 63360 (0.27%)

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